Latest news in Investing

Conversation Starter – Factor-indexed ETFs

Ask your client, “Have you considered factor-indexed ETFs for your portfolio?”

  • April 24, 2015 April 24, 2015
  • 00:00

Using whole life insurance

Insurance plans must be able to withstand the pressures of time, while delivering what was promised years earlier.

Have U.S. property? Manage currency risk

A look at three options: hold, rent or sell.

Finding returns in softer markets

The search for yield has forever been the holy grail of financial markets.

  • By: Staff
  • April 1, 2015 August 1, 2018
  • 00:00

Case study: New portfolio for high-earning spouses-to-be

Mauricio Robustelli, 33, and Bev McPhee, 32,* just got engaged and plan to marry in a year. Both are high earners and want to overhaul…

Interest rates and REITs

May 2013 marked a key moment in time for REIT investors. The U.S. Federal Reserve started to talk about tapering its bond purchases.

Prepare for interest rate risk

Canadians are carrying more debt than ever, with Statistics Canada reporting the average household debt ratio surging to 164.6% in Q2 2015.

Consider healthcare private equity deals

This sector has great opportunities if you know where to look.

Consider closed-end funds

If you’re looking for income, consider closed-end funds (CEFs), which can provide lower-risk cash flow.

Trading Places more fun than fact-based

Trading Places (1983) offers a comedic perspective on commodities trading, but its main caper wouldn’t play out the same way today.

Will global markets outpace the U.S.?

Recent years have seen U.S. stock prices increase significantly.

What is an MER?

There's a lot of talk in the media of late on investment-related fees, and particularly MERs. It may be a little overwhelming -- here's what…

Understanding financial statements: TERs

This year, you’ll start receiving a more precise dollars-and-cents representation of fees from your financial advisor on your statements. It’s part of something called Client…

Rebalancing to a fixed asset mix can be dangerous

“Just because other kids do it doesn’t make it right.” How often did we hear that admonishment growing up? How many of us have repeated…

Pairing star stocks with short calls

Jean-Philippe Choquette is glad when he finds an overvalued company.

Why companies hoard cash

In the aftermath of the financial crisis, firms began depleting cash reserves to survive.

Action Idea – Why companies hoard cash

If your client prefers to research companies herself before investing, offer to go over a company’s cash holdings together.

  • February 19, 2015 February 19, 2015
  • 00:00

How to cope with inflation, deflation and stagflation

Bottom-up stock picking (choosing a stock based on its individual attributes) often comes at the expense of macro analysis.

Action Idea – How to cope with inflation, deflation and stagflation

Need to get your client thinking about how inflation affects their investments? Try this tip.

  • February 18, 2015 February 18, 2015
  • 00:00

Conversation Starer – How to cope with inflation, deflation and stagflation

Ask your client, “Do you know how inflation affects what assets we choose for your portfolios?”

  • February 18, 2015 February 18, 2015
  • 00:00

Buybacks vs. dividends: Which are better?

Corporations are continually faced with capital allocation decisions

What’s the best way to invest in real estate?

If you're not well versed in the risks and challenges of property ownership — and you're contemplating exposure to real estate — REITs (real estate…

Action Idea – What’s the best way to invest in real estate?

If your client prefers to research companies herself before investing, offer to go over a company’s cash holdings together.

  • February 12, 2015 February 12, 2015
  • 00:00

Conversation Starter – What’s the best way to invest in real estate?

Ask you client, “How are things going for you as a property owner?”

  • February 12, 2015 February 12, 2015
  • 00:00

What to look for in a REIT

When it comes to REITs, we focus on companies rather than sectors.