Latest news in Tax

Picking the right business school

If you're considering sharpening your edge by getting a business degree, make sure you find the program that fits you best

  • October 3, 2016 July 16, 2023
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Estate planning advice for Mindy Lahiri

How should she budget and save for her son’s future as well as her own?

  • September 28, 2016 July 16, 2023
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4 ways to pass on the family cottage

Minimizing tax is only one factor to consider when passing on the family cottage

New rules for overseas visitors

New rule came into effect September 30, 2016

  • By: Staff
  • September 7, 2016 July 17, 2018
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Moving? What to do with your U.S. retirement account

There are four ways to bring your retirement savings with you when moving from the U.S. to Canada.

Tax tips for your collections

There are special tax rules, and tips, for collectors of coins, stamps, antiques, rare books or other collectibles.

Catch Me If You Can shows the sad side of fraud

In the 1960s, Frank Abagnale Jr. cashed millions of dollars of forged cheques and impersonated a pilot, a doctor and a lawyer, all before he…

Tax tips for cottage owners

Cottages are more than a respite from workaday troubles; they're major financial responsibilities

IRS can revoke passports of Americans in Canada

Make sure to keep up with your U.S. taxes — the IRS can now revoke American passports if you don't pay up.

Your top five tax questions answered

Here are the tax topics on Canadians' minds

  • April 22, 2016 August 1, 2018
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Fun with Advisor vs. Film

We ask real-life traders, estate experts, deal makers and finance gurus to look past the movie magic to uncover what's real

  • By: Staff
  • April 21, 2016 October 25, 2018
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Taxes for professionals and union members

Our quiz will guide you to the exact forms and lines you need to do your taxes. If you're a doctor, engineer, dentist, architect, union…

New to Canada? Learn about taxes

CRA offers a video to answer common questions.

  • By: Staff
  • April 12, 2016 April 12, 2016
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Define business vs. personal expenses for tax purposes

One business owner discovered the downside of paying helpers in food instead of cash

Understanding the Panama Papers

There has been an onslaught of news about the Panama Papers leak. So here are some answers on why it matters.

  • By: Staff
  • April 5, 2016 July 16, 2023
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What’s new for your 2015, 2016 and 2017 tax returns

Make the most of your 2015 tax return.

Taxes for active citizens

If you're a volunteer, don't forget to reap the tax benefits.

Why you may want to consider spousal loans

The new top bracket makes the rationale more compelling.

Think twice before tossing old tax records

Keeping tax records for six years is just the starting point. Hold on to these documents for longer.

Don’t miss marriage’s financial perks

Getting hitched? Give at least as much thought to your investments as you do your gift registry

File T4 slips if you’re a business owner

Business owners must file employee T4 slips on time or face fines.

Taxes for religious Canadians

CRA gives religious leaders opportunities to save tax. Don’t miss them.

Plan for the cost of property taxes

How checking property taxes can get you a bargain when buying a home

What do the new tax brackets mean?

The surprising boost Liberal tax changes give some high earners.

What to do with that Florida condo

Those who bought U.S. real estate when prices were low and the loonie was strong now have potentially lucrative options when it comes to their…