Latest news in Mark Yamada

Pension investing using ETFs: Part 2

Target-date or lifecycle funds (TDFs) simplify investing by automatically reducing equity exposure as a target retirement date or a student’s anticipated university enrolment approaches.

Pension investing using ETFs: Part 1

Joe and Sally joined the same company right out of school and enrolled in the registered group savings plan. Sally was three months older than…

‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ mindset hurts ETFs

Twenty-one years ago the Toronto Stock Exchange launched the world’s first exchange-traded fund, the Toronto 35 Index Participation Units (TIPS). The advantages that ETFs offer…

  • By: Mark Yamada
  • February 18, 2011 August 14, 2018
  • 00:00

Keep ETFs simple

I met a broker from Rochester at breakfast on the second day of an ETF conference in Albany, New York. I was a speaker on…

Using ETFs for portfolio building: Part 3

Reader Alert: This is the final installment of a three-part series on how ETFs can help control costs when constructing core portfolios. After the past…

Building an ETF portfolio

Fundamental analysis is the stuff of cocktail parties, water-cooler gossip, and 24-hour financial news networks. Based on business facts, the main allure of fundamental analysis…

Tracking ETF error

The 1 kg of stewing beef I bought ended up tasting like pork. When confronted, the butcher retorted “Well buddy, it’s meat isn’t it?” Most…

Bird-brained stock picking

Every week at home, as a keen young portfolio manager, I would pore over the charts of all the stocks traded on the New York…

ETF tax advantages

The three key characteristics that make exchange–traded funds (ETFs) tax-efficient are easily defined. They are: Index-based ETFs have extremely low turnover. Transactions trigger gains taxable…

Lack of liquidity is treacherous

Catastrophe in capital markets is always characterized by a lack of liquidity. No exceptions. Significant imbalances between buyers and sellers (widened bid-ask spreads) can create…

  • By: Mark Yamada
  • November 1, 2009 August 14, 2018
  • 00:00

ETFs allow advisors to diversify

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have had the most profound impact on personal investing since the introduction of the modern mutual fund in 1924. To the myriad…

Investors need both a belt and suspenders

There’s not much new in the world of asset allocation despite the drubbing portfolios sustained last year. Many of the best and the brightest minds,…