LinkedIn should be your primary focus when it comes to social media.

Not only is it the preferred network for professionals and high-income earners, but people are also twice as likely to trust what they read on LinkedIn than on any other available platforms.

And since your profile is the foundation of your success on LinkedIn, you need to make sure it reflects you and your business.

Read: Unleashing the power of LinkedIn

Before you start making connections and networking, though, it’s crucial for you to take the time to completely fill out your profile. Also ensure it speaks directly to the type of clients and prospects you’re looking to attract.

Here are 7 ways to optimize your profile:

1. Display Picture

The first thing people look at is your picture, so it’s imperative that it looks professional. An actual photographer should take it, because even cropping yourself out of a great picture from a recent event won’t cut it.

display picture example

2. Headline

Your headline should be catchy. It also has to include at least one of the keywords you want to be associated with. Using the description “CEO” or “Owner” doesn’t bring you closer to your target market or set you apart from the crowd, so start with the same terms your clients are likely to use when searching for your services online.

Read: Time to unfriend Facebook and join LinkedIn?

headline example

3. Summary Section

If your summary is more of a bio or a resume, you won’t attract many prospects. Your summary lets you speak directly to your potential clients, and should be used to tell them why you’re their best choice. Tell them exactly what services you offer, what you’ll do to help solve their problems, and always keep your wording client-focused. Also be specific about your target market, so they can self-select and identify themselves as potential clients.

4. Current Employment

Though this section is pretty straightforward, many people neglect to fill out their current employment section. Make sure it’s 100% completed, and incorporate keywords related to your industry. It’s also crucial to elaborate on your specific services in this section.

TIP: You can include a short testimonial from a client to help boost your reputation.

Read: LinkedIn profile crucial: social media expert

5. Skills & Expertise

You can use this section to highlight your various skills, as well as keyword-load search terms prospects will be using to find you. It’s also the same section that allows people to give you one-click endorsements. Think hard about the terms you include, as they reflect your value and you can’t control what people decide to endorse.

I’ve seen unfortunate cases where well-known advisors have listed and are being endorsed for their typing skills—not exactly helpful. You don’t have to accept the skills people have selected for you in your profile, so make sure to delete them if you’ve accidently added them.

skills and expertise

6. Recommendations

This is the one part of your profile that’s out of your control, but you should have a few previous clients and colleagues that can provide your first LinkedIn recommendation. The power of third-party credibility is invaluable to an advisor, so strive to get at least 10 recommendations before you start aggressively pursuing prospects. You’ll appear more credible and may get more referrals.

HINT: Also get recommendations by giving them. Click here for four tips on how to successfully get LinkedIn recommendations.

7. Add A Video

You can add video to your profile by using the SlideShare app (It can be added right on your LinkedIn profile) Use them to introduce yourself and explain your services. People will visit your profile and share your information more often if you upload quality content.

NOTE: Adding a video requires a few extra steps, here’s a full tutorial on how to do it.