Most advisors can’t move their online prospect relationships offline.

That means they see no return on investment for their social networking efforts, so they often give up on their media marketing strategies. But that’s a mistake.

In this article, I’ll show you how to transition your client relationships on LinkedIn since it’s the most effective network for advisors. However, these techniques are also useful on other networks.

Read: 11 ways to use LinkedIn effectively

Step 1: First point of contact

To locate prospects, use discussion groups that attract the type of clients you’re targeting.

Groups with more active discussions are more valuable than groups with more members. That’s because these members frequently visit and participate.

Read: Next gen clients are online

Locate prospects on LinkedIn

Once you join a group, start interacting with other members through discussion comments immediately. By sharing industry trend information or savings tips, for example, you’ll get on people’s radars and build your influence.

You can also start your own discussion threads by posing questions or posting this kind of information—but don’t do this more than once per week.


Step 2: Developing the relationship

When you find interesting prospects, send them personalized connection requests, such as:

Invite to connect on LinkedIn

TIP: Don’t use the generic LinkedIn message. The person will be less likely to accept your request. Even better, ask a shared connection to introduce you.

Think of social media as an online cocktail party—after meeting people at a party, the polite thing to do is then send a brief message to those you connected with.

Do the same thing when someone adds you to their network. Send a follow-up message like:

Hi [NAME],

Thanks so much for connecting with me here on LinkedIn. I enjoyed interacting with you in through [INSERT GROUP NAME]. I took a look at your profile and would love to learn more about what you do. Are you working on anything new?

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Have a great day,

Melonie Dodaro


The point of this message is to keep conversation flowing, as well as get more information about them and their needs. Whether they’re a prospect or potential strategic partner, a strong connection will benefit your business.

And if it’s been a while since you spoke or messaged, send a message like:

sample LinkedIn message

Read: Follow up without being a pest

Step 3: Moving offline

If people think you’re pitching them, they’ll reject offers to meet. You have to make sure they’re familiar with you and your services before extending an invitation.

Once rapport has been established through information sharing and messaging, start small. First invite a prospect to discuss questions over the phone, or offer to meet them at group event you’re both attending.

After that, offer to meet them for a casual coffee outing, for example, where you can look over planning resources or reports they’d be interested in. Another option is offering to meet them in person and connect them with someone from your network.

Read: Beef up your book with prospect dinners

In any of the above cases, approach each invitation situation by finding out how the meeting will benefit the prospect most.

Read: Market different to prospects and clients