Many advisors find business is dead in the summer.

But that doesn’t mean you need to slow down, especially if you run your own practice. Follow the tips below to fill up your schedule.

1. Build new skills

If your calendar isn’t full, dedicate time to enhancing your practice. You can catch up on CE, or sign up for training programs that are offered by industry organizations and experts. You can even connect with business coaches.

For more, read:

2. Get ahead of competition

Other advisors may coast during the summer but you can stand out by hosting fun, themed appreciation events. On invites, always mention clients’ friends and family members are welcome. During the first few months of the season, take time to create or tweak your marketing strategy. As part of that process, try planning an event for mid-August to catch people before their schedules fill up.

For more, read:

3. Start writing

If you’ve been too busy to write a blog, now’s the time. Start by coming up with a list of frequent client questions, as well as interesting facts you know people would be interested in (it helps to poll clients on what they’d like to know more about). As well, think of the five to ten things you wish every client understood. Once you settle on a topic, aim to write 250-word posts using programs such as WordPress or social media sites such as LinkedIn. Going forward, set aside a specific time to write each day or week, depending on your schedule. If needed, you can ask a colleague to read over content and help keep you accountable. Also, make sure to check in with compliance about how you should go about creating, submitting and distributing content.

Read: Tips for LinkedIn publishing

Since the day I started in the industry (in July of 2001), I’ve never considered summer a slow time. The rest of the world doesn’t shut down, so use the time to get ahead on your to-do lists and find ways to make summer profitable.

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