If business slows in the summer, consider the benefits of adding new services.

Every time you expand your product or service lineup, you need to connect with clients to update them, for example. This gives you a chance to check in with your book as well as show people you’re focused on meeting their needs year-round.

Read: 3 ways to beat the summer lull

Some added-value services that are currently high in demand are tax and cash flow planning. And summer is the perfect time to test these offerings out for the following three reasons.

Read: Help families gain financial control

1. You can finish the year with a bang.

If you start adding services in the summer, you’ll be able to get ahead of competitors. While other advisors are busy reconnecting with people in September, you’ll already be on your way to attracting new assets and clients. You’ll also have more time to streamline new processes before the end of the year.

2. Clients aren’t as busy at work.

You may think people are harder to get a hold of due to summer vacations. But if you let people know you like to take meetings in the summer, clients booking staycations and long weekends may take you up on the offer. As an advisor, I used to do a lot of summer portfolio reviews during the day with people who were usually only available in the evenings. Not only were they less stressed, but I could also book fewer late meetings and conduct appointments outside to take advantage of the nice weather.

3. You can leverage appreciation events.

When adding services, you should introduce them to small test groups to start. In the summer, you can try hosting a BBQ (for about five to ten top clients) where you discuss any new offerings and explain how they fit into those clients’ plans in a more casual atmosphere. Also, let attendees know you’d like them to be part of a test group you’re creating to get feedback. They’ll know you think highly of them since you appreciate their comments and business.

For more business tips, read:

4 tips to bring in new assets

Advantages of providing free services

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