Each week, we look at the ABCs of cash flow management.

S is for Symbiotic

In a symbiotic relationship, both you and your client benefit from working together. The relationship will only remain healthy so long as your client understands your goal isn’t to profit at her expense.


To ensure she recognizes the value of your services, you first need to make sure she isn’t measuring your worth based on portfolio performance alone. You can’t control the market, but you can help her reach her goals and aid her in controlling things such as her cash flows.

If you offer to manage her cash flows, that will boost the value of your services. That’s because you’ll be helping her keep more of her income, along with offering long-term investment growth and asset protection. Also, you’ll know more about her life and finances, which means you’ll be able to serve her better.


When managing clients’ cash flows, help them take the following two steps, and always explain why each is important.

1. Develop short-term goals. Show your client how changing her spending behaviour will help her achieve short-term goals. At the same time, have her think of long-term goals and how much she needs to save and invest.

2. Redirect saved interest. If you change the structure of her debts as part of the process, help her redirect, rather than spend, all or a portion of any saved interest. This will help her reach both sets of goals.

On a regular basis, think about the way you interact with clients. Then, ask yourself whether you can improve those relationships.

Continue to letter T.


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