Significant risk factors often increase the premiums on your clients’ life insurance policies.

In many cases, though, increases can be avoided with proper risk management, said Carmela Tedesco, vice president of underwriting at LOGiQ3 in Toronto, in a recent article.

While she concedes there are uncontrollable “risk factors when it comes to life insurance [that] will affect your insurability”, she also argues there are several things clients can easily manage to gain or maintain better rates.

Read: Don’t put your health on the backburner

This includes their cholesterol and blood pressure, which they can keep tabs on by leading a healthier lifestyle and following some basic tips.

For example, she says clients need to postpone their insurance medical examinations if they happen to have a cold on the same day. They should be at peak health when being scrutinized by their insurers. Read more.

Tedesco’s featured articles on

Cutting underwriting times

Understanding sleep apnea

Insuring ulcerative colitis

And also read:

Liquidating life insurance

4 tips for better insurance rates

2 opportunities in the fine print

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