You have to network to build your practice. Here are some tips to maximize your time.

  1. Nurture both your in-person and social media networks, says Gloria Petersen, author of The Art of Professional Connections: Success Strategies for Networking in Person and Online. But if you only have time for one, she says in-person networking is most effective.
  2. While social media can lead to in-person interactions, it can also eat up your time. Designate specific times for social media activities like sending invitations, checking on acquaintances or joining groups, says author Starr Hall, in her book Get Connected: The Social Networking Toolkit for Business.
  3. When at events, Petersen suggests rehearsing your introduction and having a couple of conversation topics up your sleeve. Ask another guest whether she likes the wine they’re serving, or chat about local real estate prices. The key is to ask open-ended questions that let them do the talking.
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    System 1 in action

  • Also at the event, limit your time to about 10 minutes per person because it forces you to meet more people.
  • Read more:
    Are you networking enough?