You attend a lot of meetings and probably wish they were more effective.

Here are some tips from Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Amazon head Jeff Bezos, Google CEO Larry Page, and others on how to make those gatherings more productive.

Sandberg’s trick to a well-run meeting is a strict agenda, reports Business Insider. She crosses items off her to-discuss list as they’re dealt with. When the list is done, so is the meeting.

Read: Sequence of retirement meetings

Google’s Page does away with decision-making delay by saying staff shouldn’t wait for a meeting to take action, BI reports. If a meeting’s truly necessary to reach a decision, he designates a decision-maker for that meeting to avoid stalemates.

Read: 4 ways to run effective meetings

For Amazon’s Bezos, consensus is stifling. He likes people to challenge ideas and doesn’t want his employees to compromise just to keep the peace.

Read tips from the other six executives here.

Also read: Use tablets in client meetings