Your clients think highly of you – they couldn’t entrust their financial futures to you otherwise. That means that when they’re in difficult situations, they’ll turn to you even if the problem isn’t really related to planning. For instance, they could be having trouble dealing with a government department after a loved one dies.

Difficult situations aside, clients depend on you – and the entire financial system — to act in their best interests every day. There are many ways that’s already happening, but there are also places the industry can do better.

Advisor Group content editor, Jessica Bruno, is tracking efforts toward fairer markets, digging into avenues for client advocacy and monitoring the push for the increasing professionalization of the advice industry.

Read her latest articles on those topics:

Support this law to help grieving clients

Incoming CFA chair: High fees, low credibility plague industry

Slowing down high-frequency traders for fairer markets

Your behind-the-scenes allies at investment funds

Industry, not female investors, needs to wise up

Read more from Jessica Bruno and Follow @JessicaNBruno.