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If you advise small business owners, you already know that many companies have a few key people who the business just can’t live without.

Their names are “go to person”, “right hand resource”, and “brains of the outfit.” And your mission is to make sure your name gets added to the list.

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To become indispensable, you need to offer your own mix of sought after qualities that can’t easily be found anywhere else. As an external advisor, you might see this as an especially challenging task since you aren’t part of your clients’ day-to-day life.

This doesn’t have to stop you, however, since you can still think and act like you are. The first step to achieving this is by getting to know your clients’ business well enough that you can anticipate her future needs and goals.

In a small company, owners are accustomed to making the big decisions and it’s a role they love. So, by providing them with the information and perspective they need to make educated decisions, you’ll become a go-to source.

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Know the right people

The key to being seen as indispensible isn’t knowing everything, but knowing where to look for find the right information.

If accounting is outside your comfort zone, get to know some good accountants who complement your own areas of expertise. You also have to feel confident when referring them to clients.

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The same is true for areas like banking, human resources, taxation and law. Be sure your network of professional associates is aware of your interests, experience and expertise as well, so they’ll recommend you to other as well.

More importantly, tell your clients about the full range of services you bring to the table. If someone only knows you as their “benefits person,” you’ll miss out on selling them additional products.

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