Workplaces today include four different age groups: veterans, baby boomers, Gen X and Gen Y.

Read: Gen X squeezed by Boomers, Gen Y

The different dynamics of each group may have you scrambling to tailor your motivation and training tactics.

The proportion of Gen Y workers—born between 1980 and 2000—has grown the most in recent years and poses the greatest challenge to employers, says MetLife’s 10th annual Study of Employee Benefits Trends.

Managers need to teach them the basics, but should also be mentoring and showing them all aspects of the business. This will ensure you retain younger employees.

Read: Make way for the Millennials

Understanding Gen Y

Let’s examine some of their common traits: younger employees value flexible work schedules and telecommuting and, when researching a potential employer, tend to focus on its location and social responsibility platform.

They will also change jobs an average of 15-to-20 times over their careers, says Anne Egros, a global executive coach. But, she finds them capable and committed—working collaboratively and generating results for their employer when in an exciting and suitable work environment.

Read: The Y factor: challenges facing young advisors

Young, technology savvy workers like to multi-task and use instant messaging, Twitter, blogs and e-mail to share and work with colleagues and company followers.

Read: Why you should incorporate social media

For more about the up-and-coming generation of advisors and brokers, read these articles:

Teach young advisors to prospect

4 tips for new advisors

Mentoring young advisors

Veterans advice for young advisors

Insurance industry needs young blood

Young mortgage brokers want mentors

Portions of this post originally appeared on