Regardless of whether you agree with the ORPP, you may find these new ads from the Government of Ontario helpful for getting families — especially millennials — thinking about retirement.

The latest campaign for the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan pairs millennials with recent retirees for a skill swap. The campaign shows three millennials teaching retirees about their careers before sitting down with them to talk about what life as a retiree is like.

Read: Millennials ignoring retirement saving

The three-part video series stars YouTuber and musician Andrew Huang, a gaming YouTuber named Andre (TypicalGamer) and Indie88 producer Brent Albrecht. In one video, Huang makes a music video using sounds he records of a retiree cooking. In another, Albrecht records a radio promo for a fictional show with a retiree named Maureen.

Joseph Bonnici, partner and executive creative director at Bensimon Byrne, told Marketing the campaign was designed to broach the topic of saving for retirement in a way that was relatable for its target of 18- to 35-year-olds.

As the retirees in the campaign explain, the infrastructure set up to support retirement has changed over the past two decades and young people working today are facing new challenges as they head towards retirement. Far fewer companies have pension plans, for example, and millennials tend to stay in jobs for shorter periods than their older counterparts.

“The world of work isn’t what it used to be – and retirement isn’t what it used to be, either,” Bonnici said.

Marketing Magazine has the full story and the rest of the videos.

What do you think of the ads? Will they help you explain the importance of retirement savings to millennial clients? Let us know in the comments below.

Also read:

Is ORPP a “monster” or an incentive for better pensions?