More companies are realizing that encouraging employees to take time off to go on vacation is a smart business move, reports the Wall Street Journal.

To encourage employees to take a break, some companies, like Evernote, offer cash incentives for going on a long vacation. That firm offers workers $1,000 towards a vacation if they go away for more than a week, says the Journal. Some investment banks even mandate employees take time off because they’re less likely to commit fraud or become rogue traders.

The health and productivity benefits of vacations are well-documented and could be a boon to your firm. If you find people are reluctant to get out the door, it could be due to workplace dysfunction.

For instance, workplace culture may implicitly frown on taking personal time, or workers could be worried about falling behind while away. Staff may have trouble delegating work and aren’t sure the office could function without them.

The problem could also be that people simply like working too much, the Journal notes, as working hard also boosts people’ self-esteem.

Read more here.

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