Social media-savvy advisors should prepare for Twitter’s redesign.

Mashable has seen the new layout and reports that it looks much like Facebook and Google+.

Read: How 4 advisors achieved social media success

There’s more space dedicated to photos, and content has more room to breathe, says Mashable. Posts are displayed as tiles and spread out horizontally and vertically across the page.

Even if your profile hasn’t been switched over yet (updates are usually rolled out to a small group of people to test it out first), those who have the new version see others’ pages in the updated format too.

So to keep up with early-adopter followers, you may have to upload a new profile picture, as the new home page displays a much larger photo. The recommended size is 1,500 by 500 pixels, so your old one may get distorted.

For photos of the new profile, and more details, click here.

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