If your clients have rose-tinted ideas about inheriting windfalls from their parents or grandparents, Maclean’s has stories about inheritance nightmares that will set them straight.

As Maclean’s notes, most people overestimate the how much they’ll inherit by 50%. And worse, many people are shocked to find out that they’ve been written out of their loved-one’s wills.

Take the case of B.C. man David, who was written out of both his parent’s wills –decades apart – because his parents thought he had made bad choices in his youth. Or Barbara, who was written out of her mom’s will after she stood up to her mother for berating the grandkids.

Read more about the pitfalls of inheritance here.

And help your clients prepare sound estates with these articles:

How Canada’s wealthy will retire

Dealing with foreign wealth

Watch for elder abuse

When bad trusts happen to good people

Ask better questions to protect clients’ estates