is live-tweeting the Bloomberg Canada Economic Summit, which features government officials and business leaders in the banking, energy, commodities and technology sectors.

A sampling of our tweets:

4:04 PM: Lazaridis: More venture capital needs to be available to Canada’s entrepreneurs. #blackberry #BBcanada

3:55 PM: Mike Lazaridis: There is a tremendous amount of innovation here. We have all the ingredients to be successful on a world stage. @BBGLINK

3:32 PM: Eric Bushnell, CIO of CI Investments: folks who haven’t earned their fee are done. #BBcanada

2:59 PM: Greg Nott, CIO of Russell Investments: Real estate is going to gradually move from a growth contributor to a detractor.

2:02 PM: Up next is Jamie Sokalsky, President and CEO of Barrick Gold. Sokalsky: This is not the end of the bull market for gold but rather a major mid-cycle correction in a longer term bull market for gold. In the long term gold could see even higher prices. @BBGLINK

1:41 PM: Leech says OTPP sends execs to emerging markets to explore these far flung geographies before investing in them. Leech announces the OTPP with be opening up a Hong Kong office in a month or two. “Feet on the street” is critical. #BBcanada

1:37 PM: Ontario’s teachers are living remarkably long lives, comments [Jim] Leech [of Ontario Teachers Pension Plan]. “We can’t afford volatility.” #BBcanada

12:13 PM: Recruiting, Retaining and Developing: the steps to keep women in business and move them to the top, says Michelle Khalili. #BBcanada.

12:11 PM: 42% of Canadian companies have no women on their boards. @BBGLINK

12:07 PM: 90% of Canadians are governed under a woman premier. #BBcanada

11:49 AM: Sabia: Being invested in a very select group of large companies is safer and more profitable than a fixed income fund. Part of selectivity is gaining a deep research-based understanding of each company. @BBGLINK

11:42 AM: Real performance comes from being rigidly selective, says Michael Sabia [CEO of Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec] #BBcanada

11:22 AM: It took about a year for US home prices to be affected by a drop in home sales, says Dave Madani, Economist, Capital Economics. #BBcanada

11:20 AM: New Canadians are twice as likely to buy a condo than a native born Canadian says Phil Soper. #BBcanada

11:16 AM: Toronto is seeing more construction than Hong Kong or Chicago today. @BBGLINK

10:55 AM: “We need to change the paradigm that we are only going to ship south of the border,” says Dianne Craig on auto manufacturing. #BBcanada

10:42 AM: Dianne Craig, CEO of Ford Canada: We are optimistic, despite the Canadian Dollar. #BBcanada

10:28 AM: Douglas Porter: Global inflation has remained surprisingly low. #BBcanada

10:20 AM: Adatia: To raise interest rates today would destroy the Canadian economy. @BBGLINK We can expect a soft landing on Real Estate of about 10%-to-15%. #BBcanada

10:10 AM: Is the party over for Canada? “The next five years are going to look a lot less rosy than the last five,” says Sadiq Adatia, CIO Sun Life Global Investments. Adatia’s TSX prediction for year end? Down 3%-to-5% #BBcanada

9:48 AM: We don’t think increasing corporate taxes is the right thing to do right now. – [Ontario premier Kathleen] Wynne #bbcanada

Read our full stream here.