Canada’s boomers are finding their footing in the digital age.

In fact, 89% rival younger Canadians (99%) in their levels of Internet access, finds Ipsos Reid. They’re even taking up new media and devices.

“We are seeing online boomers becoming more comfortable as their adoption of new devices is trending upwards,” says Dave Pierzchala, senior vice president with Ipsos Reid.

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He adds, “Smartphone ownership among online Boomers has increased 11 percentage points since 2011, and they are now just as likely to own a tablet as younger Canadians (16% vs. 18%).”

However, boomers are still behind younger Canadians in smartphone ownership as a whole: 29% versus 49%.

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But while they aren’t necessarily replacing familiar traditional technology, they are starting to supplement it by incorporating new channels and devices into the mix. So while 86% of boomers still turn to TV for video consumption, including shows, movies, sports, and news, a surprising 43% watch video content via a computer on a weekly basis.

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“They are slowly starting to embrace new innovations although they trail significantly behind early adopting younger Canadians,” adds Pierzchala. “Advertisers and retailers can reach boomers through digital campaigns but they shouldn’t expect it to resonate to the same degree as with the younger generation.”