Gone are the days when you could respond to office and client communication in the fullness of time.

Social media and digital tools of the day have created an environment where everyone is under pressure to act and react fast.

However, the pace of digital life has brought a new set of problems as discovered by many individuals and corporations around the world, says this FT report.

Read: McDonald’s isn’t lovin’ it

Rarely a day goes by without an instance where someone created and published content without taking the time to think it through. Companies like Wendy’s, Coca Cola, McDonald’s, and Kenneth Cole have all provided glaring examples of what not to do on Twitter and other digital platforms.

Read: Five social media fails

Businesses of all sizes are using social media to build their brand and engage with their clients. By being trigger happy about it, some just end up shooting themselves in the foot.


Top 7 Twitter blunders by professionals

Don’t let interns manage your social media