More than half of workers feel they have a job as opposed to a career, shows a survey by And 23% say they plan to change jobs this year, up from 17% last year. Are you sure your staff will stick around?

Job satisfaction matters to 88% of workers, yet 18% of employees say they’re dissatisfied, up from 15% last year. Still, 57% are satisfied with their current jobs, mostly because of their coworkers, benefits and work/life balance.

Read: The stiff competition to keep staff

Among those dissatisfied, the survey finds:

  • 61% don’t feel valued;
  • 56% make too little;
  • 43% don’t like their bosses;
  • 33% don’t feel they can make a difference;
  • 31% have no training or learning opportunities;
  • 27% have poor work/life balance;
  • 26% don’t feel challenged.

Read: An easy way to reward clients and staff

Among people who are satisfied:

  • 80% like their coworkers;
  • 62% have good benefits;
  • 58% can balance work and life;
  • 54% like their bosses;
  • 48% feel valued or their accomplishments are recognized;
  • 42% say they’re paid enough.

“With new positions constantly being added across Canada each month that are enticing workers to change jobs, now is the time for employers to look at their recruitment strategies and make adjustments so their top talent doesn’t jump ship,” says Mark Bania, senior career advisor at CareerBuilder Canada.

Read: Take staff on retreat

Improve retention
The survey asked employees the best way for employers to keep them happy. Besides raising salaries (74%), top responses included:

  • increase employee recognition (56%);
  • increase benefits (55%);
  • put feedback into action (52%);
  • provide flexible work schedules (51%);
  • increase training and learning opportunities (40%);
  • provide special perks like free lunches, concierge services and game rooms (32%).