You talk to your clients all the time about their financial goals, so it’s no surprise that nearly have of Canadians have some financial resolutions for 2014.

Read: 5 steps to financially literate clients

Almost half of Canadians surveyed (46.7%) by Google for credit reporting agency TransUnion say they plan to commit to at least one financial resolution in 2014.

Of those surveyed, nearly a quarter (24.7%) say they plan to save more money, another quarter say they plan to pay down existing debt and almost and 23% say they plan to spend less money on unnecessary expenses. The study also found that twice as many (37.3%) didn’t reach their financial goal in 2013 compared to those that did (18.7%).

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Ensure clients:

  • Check credit reports frequently. It helps highlight bad financial habits, such as late payments. Regular check-ups also help guard against identity theft.
  • Understand credit scores: Understanding what affects a credit score will help clients take the necessary steps to reaching healthier credit.
  • Create a monthly spending plan and stick to it: Work with clients to determine their current spending habits and set a monthly budget.
  • File a dispute. It’s everyone’s right to question erroneous information on their credit report.

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