Throughout the year, we posted AdvisorToGo podcasts and related articles on a variety of topics, including tax news, asset and investment trends to watch, and how the global economy was faring.

Here is the first half of our top 10 list for 2017. We’ll reveal articles one through five next week.

10. Overvalued assets to avoid

As President Donald Trump was sworn in, asset allocation and currency management expert Luc de la Durantaye was wary of overvalued assets.

9. What to buy and avoid in Canada

In August, Picton Mahoney Asset Management president David Picton discussed what he was positive on and, conversely, what he was cautious about.

8. The solution to Canada’s housing prices

If you were worried about a housing crash in Canada, you weren’t alone.

7. Good and bad tax news from Budget 2017

It was no surprise that the 2017 federal budget continued to target boutique tax credits and deductions.

6. These 3 provinces will lead in 2017

Benjamin Tal, deputy chief economist of CIBC World Markets, predicted that energy sector strength would be a positive for Canada in 2017.

These articles are part of the AdvisorToGo program, powered by CIBC. They were written without input from the sponsor.