The Alpha Group has many reasons to celebrate.

On March 1st, the volume traded in TSX listed securities on Alpha ATS represented a market share of more than 30% across all Canadian transparent marketplaces. The market share in ETFs reached 52.3%. That was 10% higher than the second most active marketplace. In the benchmark index securities, Alpha’s market share was close to 30%.

Also, the volume traded in TSX-V listed securities reached a market share close to 11%, and over 70 securities traded at the opening auction on Alpha. These included some of the most actively traded securities in Canada.

“I am convinced that the recent changes to trading fees initiated by Alpha and followed suit by other marketplaces, were critical to this accomplishment,” said Jos Schmitt, CEO of Alpha Group. “Besides making trading on Alpha more attractive from a cost perspective, it led many industry participants to take a close look at the trading fees they are paying across marketplaces and identify some major differences often hidden in the small print.”