We published more than 3,000 articles this year, so it’s not surprising you may have missed one or two.

Based on what we know you like to read, Advisor.ca’s editors have come up with this list of stories to catch you up. Sit back, relax, and get your scrolling thumb ready (or ask Santa for a new smartphone or phablet).

  1. T1135: 13 questions and answers. You loved reading about T1135s, and this article neatly answers common questions.
  2. What happens to RRSPs in bankruptcy? Fortunately, most people don’t know from firsthand experience, but this problem could befall your clients.
  3. Tax lessons during the Blue Jays’ off-season. This story combines taxes and a team that overcame a 22-year playoff drought. Who wouldn’t want to read it?
  4. Beware of bond covenants. With junk bonds in the news, this article remains timely.
  5. How to help divorcing clients. Be prepared in case you work with both spouses.
  6. New RRIF rules have GMWB implications. An unexpected consequence of the withdrawal minimum change is that GMWB distributions may fall in 2016.
  7. Canadian couple’s U.S. mortgage payments balloon. This piece is even more relevant now that the loonie has fallen further, and American prime rates are rising.
  8. And, along the same lines as #7, Solve foreign exchange problems deals with forex gains and losses.
  9. What the sharing economy means for your clients’ taxes. Uber and Airbnb have been in the news a lot this year. Learn what to do if your client has income from sharing-economy activities.
  10. Ethical investing in trusts In light of the COP21 agreement on fossil fuel reduction, clients may be asking about green or ethical investments. Here’s how trust law views them.