Young advisors have to overcome countless challenges to effectively build their reputations and businesses.

But the hard work doesn’t end there; as any veteran knows, an advisor has to work even harder to maintain their established momentum. They need to retain clients and recruit prospects at the same time, as well as build on their success by offering an increasing number of services.

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Matthew Halloran, president of U.S.-based Top Advisor Coaching, recently provided with a list of 10 key practices and qualities that help advisors stay on top of their game over the life of their business.

The list includes:

  • Working out regularly and eating well to stay sharp for your clients. Caring for your health and stability matters, as it will be evident to your clients if you’re overly stressed.
  • Both recording and writing out a long-term business plan. It also needs to be accessible at all times, so you can look over your goals often and keep them updated.
  • Once you’ve built your business and become profitable, switch from hiring a consultant to hiring a personal coach. A coach will make specific recommendations based on your personal business and style, rather than just general suggestions on how to succeed.

Read more.

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