Canada-wide, 67% of the 360 people who wrote the CFP exam in June passed the test.

It’s the second and final exam on the path to CFP certification.

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Of the candidates who wrote the exam, 266 were first-time writers (74% pass rate), while 94 were re-attempting the exam (48% pass rate). To qualify to write the six-hour exam, which consists of a combination of constructed-response and multiple-choice questions, candidates must have obtained FPSC Level 1 certification and completed an FPSC-Approved Capstone Course.

Once they have completed three years of qualifying financial planning work experience, successful Certified Financial Planner (CFP) examination candidates will be qualified to apply for CFP certification.

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A further 561 people wrote the FPSC Level 1 Examination this June, with 71% passing the test. It’s the first exam on the path to CFP certification and a pre-requisite for FPSC Level 1 certification. Of the candidates who wrote the exam, 448 were first-time writers (76% pass rate), while 113 were re-attempting the exam (50% pass rate). To qualify to write the four-hour exam, candidates must have successfully completed an FPSC-Approved Core Curriculum program.

The FPSC Level 1 examination and CFP examination are offered twice per year, with the next sitting on November 27, 2015.

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