Advisor reporter and editor Jessica Bruno has won an honourable mention from the Portfolio Management Association of Canada’s annual awards for investment journalism.

The mention recognizes her story, Leveraged ETFs can help advisors without options licenses, published in the December 2015 edition of Advisor’s Edge Report. Here’s a excerpt from the story:

Leveraged ETFs let advisors who don’t have options licenses help investors hedge. But the fast-paced funds—holding times are generally a day—aren’t for every client.

“Most people don’t really understand them or have the ability to monitor them as closely as they should,” says Ottawa-based advisor Brent Vandermeer.

Read the full story here.

Colleagues from two of Advisor’s sister magazines were also awarded honourable mentions.

MoneySense contributing editor David Aston received honourable mention for his article, Pick a Perfect Adviser, published June 2015. And at Canadian Business, senior editor Murad Hemmadi was recognized for his piece, Crowdfunding comes to Canada, published November 2015.

First place, along with a $5,000 prize, went to Rudy Luuko of Morningstar for his three-part series on online advisors, called The online revolution in advice-giving; What to look for when choosing an online investment advisor and; Algorithms versus advisors? The service gap will narrow, published on on February 22, 24, and 26, 2016.

Second place, and a $3,000 prize, was awarded to Globe and Mail finance editor Rob Carrick, for Low-fee robo-advisers are relatively new but fill a gap in the market. Here’s what you need to know, published in September 2015.

Third place, and $1,000, went to Globe and Mail investment columnist Ian McGugan, for his two-part series, Managed money in Canada has a shameful distinction and Revealing the closet indexers among Canada’s mutual funds, published November 17 and 25, 2015.

An awards ceremony will take place June 1 in Toronto.