Throughout 2015, we wrote a series of editorials on issues you’re grappling with. We offered tips on how to help clients face low interest rates and volatility, for example, and looked at how you’re dealing with mounting regulatory pressure.

Check out the below list of this year’s top Advisor Group editorials. Also, let us know if you agree or disagree with our views, and why.

It takes a village to raise financial literacy

Up until the appointment of national Financial Literacy Leader Jane Rooney, efforts to boost people’s financial knowledge were championed by disparate groups. Find out how this is changing.

Support this law to help grieving clients

Read more about Bill C-247, which is an Act that was proposed by Liberal Member of Parliament Frank Valeriote. That bill, which is now law, proposed that the mandate of Service Canada be expanded in respect of the death of a Canadian citizen or Canadian resident.

Prepare clients for interest rate risk

Canadians are carrying more debt than ever. And, if your clients are relying on further interest rate drops to boost their buying power, they could be disappointed.

Fix these 3 systemic problems

Even though the financial services industry helps millions of investors, many structural problems persist.

The best buy-and-hold lesson

In spring 2015, headlines suggested population growth and a short supply of well-located homes will keep housing appetite strong. Read more about how clients should handle their home investments.

How the Bank of Canada is failing investors

Compared to the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Bank of Canada’s messaging has been unclear and confusing. How can this change?

Remove barriers to divorce planning

Most newlyweds don’t realize that, in opting for a life together, they’ve opted into an intricate legal and financial framework. So here’s how to help engaged clients.