low key image of trophy over wooden table and dark background, with abstract shiny lights
©tomertu / 123rfStockphoto

Zak Smith from Calgary-based Sagium won PlanPlus Canada’s 2019 financial planning award.

The annual competition judges financial plans that advisors have presented to clients based on the quality and depth of recommendations, and on how well the client’s best interests are served. It’s open to advisors across Canada with a professional designation and in good standing with a professional body.

Yvonne Martin-Morrison of Raymond James in Calgary was the first runner-up. Bold David Kere, of Bold Care Financial in Ottawa, was the second runner-up.

The winners advance to the global competition for the Americas region. Last year, Jason Pereira from Woodgate Financial in Toronto won for the Americas region. Paul Tyers from Wealth Stewards, also in Toronto, was the first runner-up.