One-in-four Canadians will file just in time for the May 2 tax deadline this year, compared to one-in-five last year, finds a survey by H&R Block Canada. What’s more worrisome, however, is that more Canadians are intending to file past the deadline this year (5%) than last year (3%).

Here are some additional findings.

  • Consistent with last year, Canadians aged 35-54 are the biggest tax filing procrastinators, with 30% saying they will file just before or past the deadline.
  • Women put off their taxes slightly more than men (31% vs. 27%).
  • Only 19% file in advance of the deadline.

And here are some articles to help clients with taxes.

Help clients plan for tax refunds

Think clients know their tax rates? Check again

Here’s how CRA will crack down on tax evasion

8-year-old provides tax tips