In news that’s sure to have regulators tearing their hair out, almost a third of Albertans who are aware they pay investment fees think their advisors pay those fees (31%).

That insight is revealed in a report from ATB Securities.

Read: What CRM2 reports and Fund Facts don’t tell you

The good news: 42% of Albertans had fees explained to them compared to 35% the previous quarter, and 46% are aware of CRM2 compared to 39% previously.

But as the report points out, fees apparently aren’t being explained very well.

Further, only four in 10 Albertans who own mutual funds, stocks or bonds are aware they pay fees — down from the previous quarter when 46% of Albertan investors said they were aware of fees.

Read: OSC to publish embedded commissions policy options in 2017

When it comes to getting financial advice, Albertans are split among advisors (32%), online resources (31%) and family and friends (27%). When asked why they don’t seek out advisors, survey respondents cited lack of money as well as their confidence as do-it-yourself investors.

Despite that confidence, reaching financial goals remains elusive. Of those who say building an emergency fund is a top goal, 60% report being behind on the goal. Likewise, 59% report being behind saving for a first home, up 11% from last year.

Reasons for not reaching goals include overspending and poor planning.

Read: Why most investors need goals-based investing

On a positive note, significantly fewer Albertans report being impacted by the drop in oil prices compared to the previous quarter (52% versus 58%).

About the survey: Conducted from April 3 to April 13, 2017, using Ipsos’ i-Say panel, the survey comprises 1008 respondents representative of Albertans (18 years of age and older) based on age, gender and region. Using a Bayesian credibility interval, the survey is considered accurate to within +/- 3.5 percentage points had all adults in Alberta been polled.