CRM2 isn’t just about new forms and statements: it impacts your clients at virtually every touchpoint. Clients will be getting new information, and framing it effectively could be the difference between retaining and losing them.

“If an advisor doesn’t consider the impact on clients of all the new disclosure they’ll be getting, they could be surprised and confused,” says Susan Silma, former OSC director and co-founder of CRM2 Navigator in Toronto. “They may even consider heading to a new advisor who does a better job of explaining what they need to know.”

Don’t let that happen. Build up your understanding of CRM2 with our CE Corner course and other resources:

Understanding CRM2’s performance reporting requirements, by industry consultant André Fok Kam.

Meeting the challenge of CRM2, by Paul Strijckers, vice-president of business solutions at Broadridge.

Help clients understand CRM2, by Joanne De Laurentiis, president and CEO of the Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC).

Also check out a new report from EY on what CRM2 requires and what it means for your business.