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©tomertu / 123rfStockphoto

The Financial Planning Standards Council (FPSC) has awarded Dawn Hawley the Donald J. Johnston Lifetime Achievement Award in Financial Planning.

Hawley, a financial planner with the Angus Watt Advisory Group at National Bank Financial in Edmonton, Alta., has more than 35 years of financial planning experience, says a release.

Among other achievements, she recently served as chair of FPSC’s board of directors from 2015 to 2017, serving eight years in total as a board member. Hawley also served on the FPSC’s Professional Practice Working Group, which played a key role in the development of the Financial Planning Body of Knowledge for FPSC Level 1 certificants in financial planning and CFP professionals.

The award is the highest honour that FPSC bestows, recognizing a lifetime advancement of CFP certification and significant positive impact on the profession of financial planning.

The award is named for the late Donald J. Johnston, who led the FPSC through its first decade, says the release.

As is customary, the FPSC will make a $10,000 donation in the award winner’s name. Hawley has selected the Financial Planning Foundation and the Edmonton Community Foundation as donation recipients.

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Recipients selected for Fellow of FPSC