In 2009, we asked advisors to share their funniest tales in hopes of bringing some levity to the dark days of the financial crisis.

We’re bringing them back on Fridays so you’ll get a few laughs going into the weekend. Here’s our next installment.

Clean Money

A Saskatchewan advisor had some fun with a branch manager after having a meeting with a client who owned a laundromat.

The client was planning to sell his business, and invest the residual funds. The advisor couldn’t resist and told his branch manager that he had a client who he felt might be trying to invest laundered money.

The branch manager immediately contacted compliance and set up a conference call during which the advisor continued the gag. He strung the branch manager and compliance officer along, saying he had reason to believe the source of the client’s funds was laundered money.

When the advisor eventually came clean about the joke, the compliance officer laughed.

And you thought compliance types didn’t have a sense of humor.

Got a story to share? Email us.

Read previous weeks’ Friday Funnies