In 2009, we asked advisors to share their funniest tales in hopes of bringing some levity to the dark days of the financial crisis.

We’re bringing them back on Fridays so you’ll get a few laughs going into the weekend. Here’s our next installment.

The right answer

An Ontario advisor looked out the window to see work being done on the street outside his office. A workman put a backhoe into the ground and managed to hit the junction that housed all the cabling that served the advisor’s building.

Phones and computers in the basement offices were pulled through the drywall, knocking out the office’s phone and internet service.

As luck would have it, this happened just as the Earl Jones scandal was breaking and the news channels were flooding out stories about how Jones wasn’t answering his phone.

One of the team members dashed home, logged into the office’s remote access system, and started e-mailing clients to tell them what was up.

For the most part, clients replied to the e-mail by saying, “Oh, we’re not worried about you. We trust you.” And a few even expressed concern over the well-being of the folks at his office.

But one client did wander in later that afternoon, claiming he just happened to be in the neighbourhood. “Oh, and do you know that your phone just rings and rings and nobody picks up?” he asked.

There’s always one.

Got a story to share? Email us.

Read previous weeks Friday Funnies