Many Canadians plan to work longer than expected to fund their retirements.

However, what happens if they’re pushed into early retirement or laid off unexpectedly? Even finding a part-time position afterwards can be challenging for aging applicants.

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Forbes contributor Kerry Hannon says there are many jobs available, but your older clients will have to broaden their horizons to make sure employers take them seriously—this includes upgrading their skills, as well as identifying which sectors are growing and looking for mentors for young staff, for instance.

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She suggests they follow the below steps to ensure they’re attractive hires:

Get physically fit: If you seem energetic and healthy, you’ll be a more promising candidate.

Boost tech skills and language: Make sure you’re familiar with common terms like “Googling”, and sign up for online industry groups and LinkedIn.

Mine networks: If you have friends in your next target industry, find out through them who’s hiring and ask them to vet you.

Check out her other tips.

Also read:

Rearranging retirement

4 ways to plan for worst-case scenarios

Keep clients during a crisis

3 ways to help Boomers retire

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Advising laid-off clients