Have you ever wondered about the value of a real pot of gold?

Though you probably won’t find any at the end of rainbows this Sunday, GoBankingRates.com decided to find out in the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day. It analyzed how much gold could fit in a standard pot, as well as how much it could be sold for at today’s rates.

It turns out it could bag you a total of $427,000. Read more on how the site reached its conclusion, and share the fun tidbit with clients as they ramp up for the popular holiday.

Also make sure to guide them if they’re turning an eye towards gold and other Irish-related investments. Along with driving people to pubs, St. Patrick’s Day has historically boosted interest and returns in certain market sectors.

Read: Can clients benefit from Irish spirit?

Helping them out is especially crucial since a recent BMO poll says 44% of Canadians aren’t confident investors. It adds only 16% are familiar with all of the investments in their portfolios.

“Canadians aren’t well positioned to find their ‘pots of gold’, says Serge Pépin, vice president of Investment Strategy at BMO Asset Management.

He suggests you help maintain focus on proper diversification, as well as outline how global events and trends might impact their investments.


How to diversify

Don’t trust toxic headlines

Focus on economic drivers, opportunities

Also check out these gold links:

Buy gold on the dips: Embry

Vik’s Picks: Is gold over?

Invest in productive assets

Sprott Money offers precious metals storage