low key image of trophy over wooden table and dark background, with abstract shiny lights
©tomertu / 123rfStockphoto

Legendary investor, Bob Krembil, and Maureen Jensen, former chair and CEO of the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC), top this year’s list of Investment Industry Hall of Fame inductees.

Joining Krembil and Jensen in this year’s Hall of Fame class are: Daniel Sullivan, former vice-chairman of Scotia Capital Inc. and former chairman of the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX); and posthumous inductees, Brian Steck, former chairman & CEO at Nesbitt Burns Inc.; and, Timothy Noël, former deputy governor at the Bank of Canada.

The Investment Industry Association of Canada (IIAC) announced that the inductees will be enshrined in its Hall of Fame this year, but that the annual ceremony to recognize the occasion is postponed due to Covid-19.

“The inductees of the Investment Industry Hall of Fame this year are individuals who have displayed vision and leadership in the industry and capital markets, and have given support to individuals and to charitable organizations and institutions in their communities,” said Ian Russell, president and CEO of the IIAC.

“Their careers have contributed to more vibrant capital markets, to a more prosperous country, and to better lives of everyday Canadians. We hope this award conveys their contributions and legacy for years to come,” Russell said.

The IIAC said that the 2020 inductees will be formally recognized in October 2021 in Toronto.