Mackenzie Financial has introduced a resource hub today called LIVE IT.

The website is designed to help advisors facilitate conservations with clients through easy-to-share resources and planning tools. It also includes details about the company’s portfolios and funds.

Before creating the hub, Mackenzie polled investors and advisors to pinpoint top client concerns, and the six main topics addressed are longevity, income preservation, volatility, estate planning, inflation and taxes.

Read: Op-Ed: Volatility’s antidote is U.S. economic growth

The poll findings include:

  • most investors (72%) are concerned about not having set aside enough money to last through their retirement;
  • more than half (67%) feel GIC rates are too low to generate the income they’ll need;
  • Fifty-two percent feel volatility has made their investment goals less attainable;
  • almost half (47%) have tackled estate planning as a part of their overall financial planning;
  • the majority (72%) are worried about the long-term impact of inflation; and
  • nearly all (90%) underestimate the amount of tax they pay.


How much volatility is too much?

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Take this estate planning quiz