It can be hard for seniors and afflicted individuals to get insurance coverage.

Underwriters consider older clients more of a risk, and often deny requests should any medical test return abnormal results.

Read: Top insurance underwriting tips

The one thing you shouldn’t do, however, is go to extremes to snag coverage. Though this may seem obvious, an ex-State Farm broker in the U.S. learned this lesson the hard way, says Forbes blogger Bill Singer.

According to a recent FINRA agreement, Ross M. Chaisson’s uncle was denied life insurance due to irregular blood tests, and was then asked to submit to a phone interview when a second request was processed.

Read: Help your senior get insurance

Since the uncle wasn’t able to take the call, FINRA says Chaisson not only impersonated his uncle, but was also adamant he had nothing to do with the call when questioned about the interview by State Farm.

FINRA handed down a $7,500 fine and a 30-day suspension for his transgressions.