Younger Canadians are getting the message to start saving early and build a nest egg for retirement. In fact, 62% of millennials have started saving for retirement and 46% say they started saving before the age of 25, finds a survey by Tangerine.

Millennials also appear to have their sights set high, with 40% believing they’ll need more than $1 million saved for retirement. To meet this expectation, 63% expect to retire after the age of 60, which is slightly more optimistic than the rest of Canadians, with 74% expecting to retire after 60.

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“It’s encouraging to see that many young Canadians have now started saving earlier, to help fund the retirement they envision and perhaps even retire earlier as a result, without having to go back to work,” says Silvio Stroescu, managing director of Deposits and Investments at Tangerine.

Here are some additional findings

  • 38% of millennials aren’t yet saving for retirement; 62% say it’s because of a low salary or not having enough money and 23% say it’s because they are saving for a big-ticket item like a house, wedding or travel;
  • 59% would only go out once a week to socialize with friends in order to retire before the age of 65;
  • 47% would give up takeout food and cook all their meals to retire before 65;
  • 28% would work 50+ hours a week for the remainder of their working career to retire in their 50s;
  • 43% would give up all forms of social media to retire before the age of 50; and
  • 22% would forego contributions to their retirement savings for a luxury ‘must-have’ purchase like a smart phone, concert tickets or designer handbag.

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