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Each week, highlights notable moves across the financial industry.

  • Daryl Diamond has been named chief retirement income strategist with Dynamic Funds, a new role created to help the company prepare for an increasing number of Canadians nearing retirement. Diamond has more than 40 years of experience in the financial services industry, a release said, with the majority of that time spent running Winnipeg-based Diamond Retirement Planning Ltd. Diamond’s expertise will help the company navigate headwinds worrying retirees, including “extended average life expectancy, higher inflation, and market volatility,” said Mark Brisley, managing director with Dynamic Funds, in the release. The appointment coincides with Dynamic’s creation last year of a Retirement Income Centre, an online portal with insights and investing strategies.
  • Candace Shaw has been appointed chief operating officer (COO), SLC Fixed Income, with SLC Management — a new role to help position the company for growth, a release said. Shaw was formerly senior managing director and deputy chief investment officer at the company, and has spent more than three decades at SLC Management and parent company Sun Life Financial Inc. She will retain her deputy CIO duties alongside her new role.
  • Farhan Hamidani is now COO at Manulife Securities, coming from Scotia Wealth Management where he was managing director and chief operating officer, ScotiaMcLeod. He’s been working in the financial services industry for more than 20 years, with positions at IG Wealth Management and the former DundeeWealth Inc. and HollisWealth Inc.

If you know of other people moves in the financial industry and/or would like us to consider your announcement, email Katie Keir at