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The Ontario Securities Commission’s (OSC) retail investor advisory group, the Investor Advisory Panel (IAP), has added two new members.

The additions — a lawyer, Serge Kalloghlian, and former fund industry executive, Leslie Wood — replace outgoing members Larry Bates and Paul Bates. Kalloghlian and Wood will serve two-year terms, which began March 1.

According to a release from the OSC, Kalloghlian is a litigator “focusing on class actions and investor rights advocacy.”

“[Kalloghlian] has represented harmed investors in securities class actions and other investor rights litigation at all levels of Ontario’s courts and the Supreme Court of Canada,” the release said.

Wood is a charted professional accountant with more than 25 years of investment industry experience.

“[Wood] has successfully completed several mutual fund acquisitions, product re-engineering, systems integration and conversions, brand and distribution development, and oversight of all back-office operations and new product launches,” the release said.

The IAP is an independent advisory group that provides the OSC and other regulators with feedback on proposed rules and investor protection issues from the retail investor perspective.