The OSC has issued its 2014 risk assessment questionnaire to gather information from Ontario registered firms about their business operations. The information gathered through this process will be used by OSC staff for risk ranking and for selection of firms for compliance reviews.

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“This process is essential for gathering data from the firms we regulate, which in turn, informs our approach to compliance,” said Debra Foubert, director of compliance and registrant regulation at the OSC. “We use this data to make evidence-based decisions about which firms require further attention and oversight.”

The OSC last issued the questionnaire in 2011, and is issuing the 2014 questionnaire in order to collect information for its risk assessment model. The questionnaire has been sent to portfolio managers, investment fund managers, exempt market dealers, restricted portfolio managers and restricted dealers registered in Ontario.

The questionnaire is an interactive electronic form that registrants must complete and submit online.


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