low key image of trophy over wooden table and dark background, with abstract shiny lights
©tomertu / 123rfStockphoto

Phillips, Hager & North was named best overall mutual fund group at the 2021 Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards.

The division of Toronto-based RBC Global Asset Management Inc. (RBCGAM) took the overall prize for the fourth year in a row at Tuesday’s awards.

I.A. Michael Investment Counsel Ltd. won the award for best equity group, while Lysander Funds Ltd. won for best bond group (both are based in Toronto). ATB Investment Management Inc., part of Edmonton-based ATB Financial’s wealth brand, won the group award for mixed assets.

On the ETF side, Horizons ETFs won the group award for equities and RBC won for bonds.

The Lipper Awards recognize mutual funds and ETFs that deliver consistently strong risk-adjusted performance relative to their peers, as well as fund families with high average scores for all funds.

Full coverage of the winners is available here.