Small business owners are struggling to find new candidates who can produce the same quality of work and have the same work ethics as their current employees.

In fact, nearly three-quarters say the work ethic of new hires has deteriorated in recent years, and more than two-thirds say the quality of applicants has declined, finds CFIB.

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“Canada’s small businesses will be the first to tell you that their employees are their greatest strength,” says Dan Kelly, president of CFIB. “But they are finding it increasingly difficult to find qualified applicants, especially workers prepared to consider entry-level jobs.”

The biggest barrier to hiring is a lack of qualified applicants, according to 88% of those surveyed. Half of small employers say wage expectations were too high; one-quarter reported that candidates did not even show up for scheduled interviews.

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Here are some additional findings.

  • 81% see employees going the extra mile for a customer.
  • 61% say employees spend too much time on personal phone calls, emails and texting during work hours. And there are other drags on productivity, including: gossiping (55%), personal web surfing while at work (41%), and excessive lateness (40%).

The study also collected tips for those looking for work. Many small business owners say candidates need to be clean and well-groomed in interviews, should have short resumes that are free of spelling or grammatical errors, and consider the value of experience, not just initial pay. Other responses were surprising, such as ensuring candidates don’t let mom talk for them in interviews.