This Sunday, don’t stress about buying dad expensive gifts.

“You shouldn’t…spend a small fortune on a round of golf, or the latest gadget,” says Jeffrey Schwartz, executive director of Consolidated Credit Counseling Services of Canada.

Read: How much are fathers worth?

In most cases, fathers simply enjoy spending time with their kids. In my own experience, my dad has kept and cherished the simplest gifts for years (he still has a poem I wrote in elementary school and, more recently, had a blast going to a barbeque-style restaurant I knew he’d love).

So, try out these budget-friendly options to show you care:

Breakfast in bed: Mothers and fathers alike enjoy being pampered, though Mother’s Day gets more fanfare.

Lend a hand: Wash his car, mow the lawn or clean out the gutters.

Get outside: Spend some quality time enjoying his favorite sport or activity.

Read: Canadians tightened belts during holidays