Wealthy investors are worried about their retirement plans, revealed a new study by consulting firm Spectrem Group.

The firm, which specializes in the affluent and retirement markets, found that more than two-thirds of the mass affluent—those with investable assets between $100,000 and $1 million—admit they’re concerned about having enough money set aside for retirement, up from 63% in the first quarter of 2011.

Read: The new retirement plan

A growing proportion is also worried about being able to retire as planned. Compared to 56% last year, 58% of wealthy investors aren’t sure they’ll retire as early as anticipated.

Long-term-care issues are also major concerns, with 53% anxious about not having someone to care for them in their old age. Only 50% were worried about their future care in 2011.

Read: Wealthy Ontario seniors to pay more for drugs

Despite their success, over 40% of prosperous investors aged 55-64 will delay their retirements due mainly to current economic woes.

Read: OAS changes wont disrupt retirement plans